Art For Relief

05 MARCH 2021 - 26 MARCH 2021
Annabel Kanaar, My mother called and said this is you, The Auction Collective
Annabel Kanaar, My mother called and said this is you, The Auction Collective
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5. Annabel Kanaar

My mother called and said this is you

Inscribed “My mother called and said this is you ‘self portrait’, 14.12.2020 Annabel Kanaar”
Acrylic on hardcover book 
23 x 16 cm.   
Created December 2020   


£100 - 200

This auction has now ended

Art For Relief (5/12)


Annabel Kanaar (NL, 1990 living and working in Amsterdam) is a research artist, focused on collective understanding within hyper personal experiences. Locality, temporality and forced intimacy determine the discourse of her archive-based practice. 


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