Barolo en primeur 2024

25 OCTOBER 2024
Grinzane Cavour Live Streamed Auction
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10. La Morra A

84 Bottles, 18 Magnum, 1 Jeroboam

La Morra A
San Biagio - Bricco San Biagio: 9 magnum (1.5 lt)
Poderi Marcarini - Del Comune di la Morra: 30 bottles (0.75 lt)
Renato Ratti - Rocche dell'Annunziata: 9 magnum (1.5 lt)
Rocche Constamagna - Rocche dell'Annunziata: 18 bottles (0.75 lt)
Elio Altare: 1 jeroboam (3 lt)
Oddero Poderi e Cantine: 18 bottles (0.75 lt)
Vigneti Luigi Oddero: 18 bottles (0.75 lt) 

Barolo en primeur 2024 (10/24)


IT: Primo tra i comuni della denominazione Barolo, sia in termini di superficie vitata complessiva che in termini di superficie totale ricadente all’interno della denominazione, La Morra merita un posto di assoluto rilievo anche per il prestigio di cui godono molte sue vigne (Brunate o Rocche dell’Annunziata). Vigne che vengono per consuetudine associate ad uno stile di Barolo che fa dell’eleganza e dell’equilibrio il suo punto di forza anche se, studiando bene le MGA, la proposta di questo comune è in realtà molto più articolata. La Morra, infatti, oltre che per il numero elevato di cantine, si distingue per lo spettro molto ampio di stili e tradizioni. 

EN: First among the municipalities of the Barolo denomination both in terms of total vineyard area and in terms of the total area falling within the denomination, La Morra deserves a place of absolute importance also for the prestige enjoyed by many of its vineyards (Brunate or Rocche dell’Annunziata). These vineyards are customarily associated with a style of Barolo that makes elegance and balance its strong point even if, studying the MGA well, what this municipality offers is actually more articulated. La Morra, in fact, in addition to a large number of wineries, stands out for the very wide spectrum of styles and traditions.

Terms and Conditions governing the sale (Barolo en primeur 2024)

  • Wines will be delivered in Springtime 2027.
  • All bottles will be labelled with a specific artist-designed label.
  • The entire proceeds from the Auction of the lots associated with barriques will go towards beneficial projects, partly identified and partly to be identified by the successful tenderers of the lots; the entire proceeds from the Auction of the lots associated with the municipal lots will go to support the projects carried out by the School of Enology of Alba – Italy – and other local organizations.
  • The shipping cost of the wine from Cantine Ascheri, Bra (Italy), for the lots associated with the barriques and of the bottles of the producers located in the Langhe (Italy) is borne by the buyer.
  • For further information:

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