Pacific Breeze II

07 AUGUST 2021 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2021, Ended 07:00 PM (UK time)

Following on from the success of the 2018 Pacific Breeze exhibition, White Conduit Projects present Pacific Breeze II - an international creative collaboration of 100 artist decorated fans. 

White Conduit Projects sent 100 fans to 100 artists and designers across the globe to reinterpret the traditional fan in their own unique style. The artists come from diverse range of backgrounds, practices, and generations and the artwork created reflects their multiplicity of interests and approaches to the folding fan. Each fan comes with its own stand created by the London based designer Michael Marriott specially for this exhibition.

7 August - 29 August

Timed Auction
Ends 26 September 7 pm

View the press release.

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Pacific Breeze II
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