The Weatherproof Anniversarial

13 APRIL 2024 - 13 MAY 2024
Meaning no metaphor for Nothing Meaning no metaphor for Nothing Meaning no metaphor for Nothing Meaning no metaphor for Nothing Meaning no metaphor for Nothing
Meaning no metaphor for Nothing
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8. olivier

Meaning no metaphor for Nothing

Artists’ Publication, 32 pages
8” x 10”

This work is unique.


$80 - 120

This auction has now ended

The Weatherproof Anniversarial (8/40)


olivier is a research-based artist+writer and archives worker. They speak Cantonese at home with their demonic cat. Their practice is rooted in the ephemerality in archival theory, queer and trans theory, and ufology. They toy with poetics and semiotics, caress languaging and linguistics, work with speculative projects, artists’ books, videos, performative lectures, happenings, surveys, drawings, installations… and lead a secret mail art practice/life. olivier holds an MA in Visual and Critical Studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Born and raised in British-Hong Kong, they are now temporarily floating in the rivers of Chicago after some adventures in the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. 

For the past ten years, their time-machine has been stuck in this dimension. So it goes.

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