UIC Gallery 400 40th anniversary
26 OCTOBER 2023 - 17 NOVEMBER 2023Notes
Jeremy Bolen says, “This project began in 2011 and all images were created from unexposed film, which was buried for two weeks at a time above the remains of the world's first nuclear reactor, which is located in Du Page County, Illinois. This process emulates safety methods that Manhattan Project workers used to monitor exposure.”
Jeremy Bolen is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher, filmmaker, organizer, and educator interested in experimental modes of documentation and presentation. Much of Bolen’s work involves rethinking systems of recording and speculating—in an attempt to understand invisible presences that remain from various scientific experiments and human interactions with the earth’s surface. Bolen received a MFA from the University of Illinois Chicago in 2012. His work is included in the current UIC Gallery 400 exhibition Earthly Visions: Inside the Climate Crisis.
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