An Art on a Postcard Mini Auction in Collaboration With gowithYamo
15 SEPTEMBER 2022 - 29 SEPTEMBER 2022Notes
Felicitas Aga is a Norwegian painter whose work engages critically and playfully with the history of stillife painting.
In her current practice, flat, sharply edged shapes are assembled to create surreal tableaux of colourful,carnivalesque figures.
Her pictorial language borrows imagery from folktales, religious iconography and street art.
Amongst other things, she is influenced by early 20th century Bauhaus artists such as Oskar Schlemmer (stereomantic figuration), Hans Bellmer, Hannah Hoech and Paul Klee.
She employs decorative motifs such as flowers, patterns, domestic objects, embroidery, using a method of source gathering that reflects the unpredictability of the metropolitan existence, increasingly informed by digital media and other mixes of culturally diverse images.
Stillife has played a central role in her work for years.
She explores its secretiveness, its superficial harmlessness.
She uses the vocabulary of the stillife freely, with a degree of abstraction.
Ambiguity is key.
Felicitas Aga recieved her MA in Fine Art Painting from Chelsea School of Art and Design,London in 1996. Previous to this she studied with Per Kirkeby at Staedelschule in Frankfurt, with Bruce McLean at the Slade in London and at Vestlandets Kunstakademi in Bergen, Norway. She holds the title Meisterschuelerin of Per Kirkeby.
Felicitas Aga has had artists residencies in Amelia, Itay and at the Dolly Ginter Artists Center, Boca Raton,Fla. USA.
She currently lives in Germany and England
Select Exhibitions/Awards
Aga exhibits europewide.
Key solo exhibitions include
Heimafraa,Hardanger Kulturgalleri, Norway 2020
Kobaloi, Peritechnon Gallery, Athens,2019
Felicitas Aga, KKVHansa, Munich, Germany,2015
Collaborations and group exhibitions
Notions of Shelter, Barbara Thumm Galerie, Berlin
BYGG, Agatunet, Norway,2021,
Snakemilk, Minkowski Space, London, UK,
SKRIK, Modern Art Mosel KV, Germany,2020,
Square Point Colour, Bumaga Gallery, London, ODDArT, Odda, Norway,
fifty-fifty, Atelier Huth, Kronach, Germany,
Crystals Plus, Polarraum, Hamburg, Germany,
PULP Shipton Gallery, London, UK,
British Painting II, Bermondsey Project Space, London,UK, 2019
Naturrelikt und Kunstkonstrukt Grafikmuseum Bad Steben, Germany 2019
Kobaloi, catalogue, Peritechnon Gallery, Athens 2019, with an introduction by curator Kjell-Erik Ruud
Absence and Imminence, catalogue, 2000, introduction by Dr. Eva-Maria Degen
Gallery Representation
Barbara Thumm Galerie, Berlin
You must not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any works. In doing so, you endanger our relationships with artists, and directly jeopardise the charitable work we do. Anyone found doing so will be subject to legal action.
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