An Art on a Postcard Mini Auction in Collaboration With The Bomb Factory

12 MAY 2022 - 26 MAY 2022
99. László von Dohnányi - Dome 99. László von Dohnányi - Dome - DETAIL 99. László von Dohnányi - Dome - BACK
99. László von Dohnányi - Dome
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99. László von Dohnányi


Feltpen on Paper 


A6 (10x15cm) Original Artwork 

Signed on Verso

This auction has now ended

An Art on a Postcard Mini Auction in Collaboration With The Bomb Factory (99/108)




László von Dohnányi (b.1990) is an artist from Hamburg, Germany. He graduated with a BFA from the Ruskin School of Art at the University of Oxford in 2012 and also holds a BSc in Architecture from University College London (2015). László now lives in London where he is currently shortlisted for the Abbey Scholarship, at The British School at Rome. He has exhibited in London, Oxford, Hamburg, and Berlin, the most notable being his solo show AKZEPTANZLÜCKE at Galerie Kai Erdmann (Hamburg, Ger). 




2019 - 2021 - MA Painting, Royal College of Art 

2012 - 2015 - BSc Architecture, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL 

2009 - 2012 - BFA, The Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford 


Select Exhibitions/Awards 


Solo Exhibitions 

2021 - The Shadow Hand, Annka Kultys Gallery, London, GB 

2017 - Akzeptanzlücke, Galerie Kai Erdmann, Hamburg, GER 


Group Exhibitions 

2021 - Through the Mirage, Fitzrovia Gallery, London, GB 

2021 - London Grads Now, Saatchi Gallery, London, GB 

2021 - Things that were about to be Lost, RuptureXIBIT, London, GB 

2021 - A call across rooms, Liliya Art Gallery, London, GB 

2021 - RCA Degree Show, Cromwell Place, London, GB 

2021 - Zombie Print, Cypher BILLBOARD, London, GB 

2020 - Snapshot, Hockney Gallery, London, GB 

2020 - The Circular Ruins, Hockney Gallery, London, GB 

2020 - WIP Show, RCA, London, GB 

2019 - Perpetual Shift, the Koppel Project Gallery, London, GB 

2018 - REPEATER, Galerie Kai Erdmann, Hamburg, GER 

2018 - Geistesblüten, Berlin, GER 

2018 - Ashurst Emerging Artists Price Shortlist exhibition, Ashurst, London, GB 

2018 - Living Room, (IMLABOR and CYPHER), Safehouse 1&2, London, GB 

2018 - Toy Bitches Fuck You, Galerie Kai Erdmann, Hamburg, GER 

2017 - Time-Poor Dreamers, CYPHER SPACE, Berlin, GER 

2017 - Meaningful Vision, Pembroke Art Gallery, Oxford, UK 

2017 - Cypher 0.3 - CYPHER SPACE, Berlin, GER 

2016 - Backdrop - ASC Studios, Bond House Projects, (Art Licks Weekend), London, GB 

2016 - Backdrop - CYPHER SPACE, Berlin, GER 

2016 - Phantom Object-Beings - CYPHER SPACE, Moabit, Berlin, GER 

2016 - Cypher 0.2 - CYPHER SPACE, Berlin, GER 

2016 - Cypher 0.l - CYPHER SPACE, Berlin, GER 


Awards and Prizes 

2021 - The Abbey Sholarship, The British School at Rome, (Shortlisted) 

2018 - Ashurst Emerging Artists Prize, (Shortlisted) 

2011 - Pirye Prize, Oxford University Press, (Shortlisted) 


Please do not bid on artwork in our Art on a Postcard auctions if you intend on selling the artwork after you have purchased it. This auction has been organised for charity and all artworks have been generously donated by the artists to raise money for the Hepatitis C Trust. When the work produced for the charity is sold on the secondary market it damages our relationship with the artist and prevents us from fundraising. 

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