Art Fundraiser LA | Timed Auction
21 OCTOBER 2020 - 13 NOVEMBER 2020Notes
Amanda Rowan's provocative still life and self-portrait images depict playful and sensual moments, eliciting humor through an exploration of the power and vulnerability of sexuality. Rowan is both curator and subject in each richly styled vignette depicting moments of mysticism, domesticity, and seduction. With a mix of visual iconography, including food advertising, vintage pinup, and religious deities, Amanda's images feel personal and relatable.
Rowan has received numerous accolades for her art, including "The Curator Award 2019", by Photo District News (P.D.N.), "Photographer of the Year 2018" by the International Chromatic Photography Publication and the Tokyo International Award for Photography in 2019. Her work has been exhibited internationally at the Carrie Able Gallery, Photo LA, Art Basel, The Wall Street Gallery, The Leica Gallery in Los Angeles. Her images are part of the permanent collection at The Palms Hotel in Las Vegas.
Originally from the Bay area, Rowan graduated Cum Laude from Tisch School of the Arts. After a successful tenure in New York City shooting celebrities, she now lives in Los Angeles, working within the genres of photography and performance art.