Art Unmasked
27 OCTOBER 2022 - 10 NOVEMBER 2023

17. Jasmine Pradissitto
Planetery Puffer
20 x 20 x 28cm
This work is unique.
The inhaler or ‘puffer’ has become an unwelcome icon of the by-products of progress built on filling our biosphere with pollution. Paradoxically, just like the pioneering material this inhaler is made of which cleans the air of the pollutant NOx, during the ‘covid pause’ we could once again breathe cleaner air from bluer skies, under which we started to better appreciate the natural world.
£4,500 - 5,500
This auction has now ended
Jasmine Pradissitto FRSA is an award-winning London based British artist, scientist, speaker, and environmentalist who has a Ph.D. in physics from UCL and has studied art at Goldsmith’s and London Met. A polymath, her critical practice spans painting, sculpture and technology and she is the only artist in the world licensed to use NOXORBTM, a newly developed ceramic material that absorbs nitrogen dioxide (NOx) pollution from the air. The same NOx that exacerbates asthma. Pradissitto has exhibited worldwide including most recently two pioneering public art projects in London for The Horniman Museum Gardens (winner of Museum or the Year Award 2022) and for Camden People’s Theatre with Euston Town, a Mayor of London environmental initiative.
At the heart of a sustainable future in an increasingly Anthropogenic world, lies provision for the most fundamental of our needs, air, water, equity. Pollution, a by-product of a human progress based on combustion and intensive farming, affects not only 9 out of every 10 people globally, but also species from bees to flowers.
As we enter the ‘Conceptual Creative Age’ we can find an answer based on one of the best things which make us human: our stories. In science we are bound by the natural laws, in art and culture simply by our imaginations, but by joining the two, within an increasingly fragile natural world we can create impactful solutions to the most pressing problems of our modern age: climate crisis.
2023 Commission for The Ella Roberta Foundation
2021 Winner of the PEA (People, Environment, Achievement) Arts award
2020 DEFRA Award ‘Bees Knees’ with the Horniman Museum, 2022 Museum of the Year
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