Art Unmasked

27 OCTOBER 2022 - 10 NOVEMBER 2023
Thank you NHS Install of Thank you NHS
Thank you NHS
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15. Nathan Wyburn

Thank You NHS

Collage, Paint & Digital Print on Canvas
117 x 86cm
This work is unique. 

Utilising hundreds of photos of NHS workers in this digital montage, finished by hand, Nathan pays tribute to the NHS staff who selflessly fought the coronavirus crisis. This image was created during the hight of the first Lockdown and reminds us the self-sacrifice of our front line heroes.


£600 - 800

This auction has now ended

Art Unmasked (15/19)


Nathan Wyburn, 30, is a Welsh artist, who specialises mostly in creating iconic celebrity portraits and ‘Pop culture’ imagery with non-traditional mediums such as Food (Marmite on Toast, Sauces, Sugar, Chocolate, Beans, Pizza, Sweets etc), along with other everyday items (Newspaper cut outs, Soil, glitter, Toothpaste, Fake tan, Motor Oil etc). He has also branched out into making art using his lips, tongue, feet and fingerprints! Taking inspiration from current affairs and media topics, he’s never short of ideas and produces work on a weekly basis.

Due to the uniqueness of Nathan's artistic flare and the popularity of his work, he has been featured on several TV shows including Britain's Got Talent 2011 reaching the semi-finals, This Morning, Blue Peter, Sky Portrait Artist Of The Year, The Jimmy Fallon Show, The TODAY show in Australia & Good Morning America. Nathan has also been covered greatly in national and global press including Vogue, New York Magazine, Ladbible, Buzzfeed and had his work grace the front covers of The Guardian, South Wales Echo and The Western Mail. Big name brands such as Marmite, BIC, Oral B, Costa, Jacobs, Dominos, Birdseye, B&Q and Hovis have all independently collaborated with Nathan for PR work.

Famous names that have all received a piece of Nathan’s work include HRH Prince Charles, Dame Shirley Bassey, Mariah Carey, Catherine Zeta-Jones, The Jacksons and Keifer Sutherland to name a few. With the likes of Christina Aguilera, Marcus Rashford and Sir Tom Jones sending their approval via social media.


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