Barolo en primeur 2024

25 OCTOBER 2024
Grinzane Cavour Live Streamed Auction
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13. Associato alla barrique nr. 7

Associated with barrique nr. 7

Barrique 7: Maggie Foundation Italia 

Il progetto - Salviamo un altro sorriso.

Maggie Foundation Italia, fondata a Milano nel 2021 in memoria di He Meiqi, si pone l’obiettivo di sostenere la ricerca in ambito farmaceutico, l’assistenza infermieristica, il trattamento e la consulenza psicologica per adolescenti con gravi malattie in Italia e in Cina

Con il progetto Salviamo un altro sorriso, la Fondazione intende aiutare coloro che soff rono di rabdomiosarcoma, un raro tipo di tumore maligno che si sviluppa nei tessuti molli del corpo, malattia a causa della quale è deceduta la signorina Maggie He. Maggie Foundation Italia ha a tal fi ne instaurato una positiva collaborazione con l’Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, che dispone di dati di ricerca avanzati sul rabdomiosarcoma.

The project - Save another smile.

The Maggie Foundation Italia, founded in Milan in 2021 in memory of He Meiqi, aims to support pharmaceutical research, nursing care, treatment and psychological counselling for adolescents with serious illnesses in Italy and in China. 

With the project Save another smile, the Foundation intends to help those suffering from rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare type of malignant tumour that develops in the soft tissues of the body, the disease that caused the death of Miss Maggie He. Maggie Foundation Italia, in order to achieve the project’s objectives, has established a positive partnership with the National Cancer Institute, which has advanced research data on rhabdomyosarcoma.


€15,000 - 35,000
Shipping estimate
Barolo en primeur 2024 (13/24)


Terms and Conditions governing the sale (Barolo en primeur 2024)

  • Wines will be delivered in Springtime 2027.
  • All bottles will be labelled with a specific artist-designed label.
  • The entire proceeds from the Auction of the lots associated with barriques will go towards beneficial projects, partly identified and partly to be identified by the successful tenderers of the lots; the entire proceeds from the Auction of the lots associated with the municipal lots will go to support the projects carried out by the School of Enology of Alba – Italy – and other local organizations.
  • The shipping cost of the wine from Cantine Ascheri, Bra (Italy), for the lots associated with the barriques and of the bottles of the producers located in the Langhe (Italy) is borne by the buyer.
  • For further information:

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