Barolo en primeur 2024
25 OCTOBER 2024

17. Associato alla barrique nr. 9
Associated with barrique nr. 9
Barrique 9 - Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà ODV ETS
Il progetto - Promozione delll’inclusione sociale delle persone in difficoltà.
CPD - Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà ODV ETS, fondata nel 1988 a Torino, promuove l’inclusione sociale delle persone in difficoltà. È il primo coordinamento regionale delle associazioni per la disabilità in Piemonte. Con 68 enti associati, CPD affronta la complessità dei bisogni sociali attraverso co-progettazione e co-programmazione, creando reti di “ecosistemi” che coinvolgono tutta la società civile, inclusi enti non-profit, profit e istituzioni pubbliche. CPD dispone di 10 dipendenti, 90 collaboratori esterni e oltre 100 volontari.
Il tempo medio di attesa per l’avvio del percorso diagnostico presso i servizi di Neuropsichiatria Infantile (NPI) dell’ASL può arrivare fi no a 1,5 anni. Questo ritardo compromette diagnosi precoci e interventi tempestivi, fondamentali per prevenire o modificare lo sviluppo di disabilità neuromotorie, cognitive e psichiche. Il Centro Diagnosi della CPD intende rispondere a questa necessità off rendo un accesso prioritario alle famiglie in condizioni di povertà. Il progetto mira a costruire percorsi personalizzati per ogni bambino, orientando le famiglie verso supporti specifici e attivando collaborazioni con scuole e servizi territoriali pubblici e privati. L’obiettivo del Centro è completare ciascun percorso entro 6 mesi, attraverso anamnesi, colloqui valutativi condotti da un’équipe multidisciplinare, presa in carico specialistica e orientamento. I beneficiari diretti sono i bambini con disturbi del neurosviluppo, in particolare quelli provenienti da famiglie in difficoltà economica. Nel primo anno, il Centro Diagnosi si propone di supportare gratuitamente almeno 100 bambini.
The project - Promoting the social inclusion of people in difficulty.
CPD - Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà ODV ETS, founded in 1988 in Turin (Italy), works to promote social inclusion of people in difficulty. It is the first regional coordination of disability associations in Piedmont. Through co-planning and co-programming with 68 associated organisations, CPD addresses the complexity of social needs by creating networks of ‘ecosystems’ involving all of civil society, including not-for-profit, for-profit and public institutions. CPD has 10 employees, 90 independent contractors and over 100 volunteers.
The average time that a person waits for the diagnostic process to begin at the ASL’s Paediatric Neuropsychiatry (NPI) services can be up to 1.5 years. This delay compromises early diagnosis and timely intervention, which are crucial in preventing or modifying the development of neuromotor, cognitive and psychological disabilities. The CPD Diagnostic Centre seeks to address this need by offering priority access to families in impoverished conditions. The project aims to build customised programmes for each child, guiding families towards specific supports and forming partnerships with schools and public and private local services. The centre’s objective is to complete each process within 6 months, through anamnesis, assessment interviews conducted by a multidisciplinary team, specialised care and orientation. The direct beneficiaries are children with neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly those from families in economic difficulty. In the first year, the Diagnostic Centre intends to support at least 100 children free of charge.
€15,000 - 35,000
Shipping estimate
Terms and Conditions governing the sale (Barolo en primeur 2024)
- Wines will be delivered in Springtime 2027.
- All bottles will be labelled with a specific artist-designed label.
- The entire proceeds from the Auction of the lots associated with barriques will go towards beneficial projects, partly identified and partly to be identified by the successful tenderers of the lots; the entire proceeds from the Auction of the lots associated with the municipal lots will go to support the projects carried out by the School of Enology of Alba – Italy – and other local organizations.
- The shipping cost of the wine from Cantine Ascheri, Bra (Italy), for the lots associated with the barriques and of the bottles of the producers located in the Langhe (Italy) is borne by the buyer.
- For further information:
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