CAMPO Benefit Auction 2023

14 DECEMBER 2023 - 29 DECEMBER 2023
Columba livia, Camila Lacroze Columba livia, Camila Lacroze Columba livia, Camila Lacroze
Columba livia, Camila Lacroze
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6. Camila Lacroze

Columba livia

Oil and acrylic on canvas
150 cm x 195 cm (59.06 x 76.77 in) 
This artwork is unique

Signed and dated
This artwork is located in Punta del Este, Uruguay


$3,000 - 3,600

This auction has now ended

CAMPO Benefit Auction 2023 (6/28)


Artwork Description
This artwork belongs to the series “Archaeology of the Air”, where I depicted different bird species found in the city of Montevideo. My intention was to transform these common and often overlooked birds into something worthy of observation: to propose a new perspective on them. This particular species, scientifically known as Columba livia, is the typical city pigeon, frequently disregarded. I wanted to explore whether it was possible to portray it from a different angle and elevate it to a new level, removing it from the realm of the ordinary. Ultimately, I believe that every being, however insignificant it may seem, is unique and marvelous if we take the time to observe it.

Camila Lacroze (Montevideo, 1988)
Visual artist and educator. Currently in the final year of the Master's in Art and Visual Culture at the Faculty of Arts in Montevideo (UdelaR). Previously graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry. Their practice explores the possibility of awe towards the urban nature that surrounds us, blending drawing and painting with languages derived from the field of science. Their work has been selected to participate in the National Visual Arts Award (2020), the Paul Cézanne Award (2020), the Night of the Museums (Natural History Museum 2021), the 2021 edition of CAMPO Artfest, the 51st Montevideo Visual Arts Award (2023), among others. They have completed residencies at the Contemporary Art Space (Montevideo), Uberbau_house (São Paulo), and next year will undertake a residency at Mana_Contemporary thanks to the FEFCA scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Culture. They have exhibited both individually and collectively in Uruguay and abroad, and their work is featured in private collections in Uruguay, Argentina, Austria, and the United States.

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