Martha Beaumont, Candy Mountain, The Auction Collective
Martha Beaumont, Candy Mountain, The Auction Collective
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35. Martha Beaumont

Candy Mountain

C-Type print

42 x 70 cm

Created in an edition of 5 plus 1 artist’s proof

Created in 2014


£1,000 - 1,200
Shipping estimate
Far From The Madding Crowd (35/49)


The Newcastle born Martha Beaumont graduated with an MA in Fine Art at City & Guilds in London a city where she continues to work today.

Awarded the Stephen Good Prize for Engraving, exhibiting as a photographer and creating theatrical art installations, Martha’s grasp of the many medias of fine art is outstanding and has a great impact on her works. Using these multi-disciplinary skills, the artist builds fictional ‘sets’ that she then photographs to capture to turn the theatre like scenes into two-dimensional art.

“My sets reference culturally familiar imagery from cinema and art history to suggest possible narratives. Through using ideas from films, I want to suggest both a sense of familiarity whilst suggesting that perhaps our subconscious has been heavily influenced by fictional cinematic worlds.”

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