'Human' Nature

14 SEPTEMBER 2023 - 05 OCTOBER 2023
Red life 2 Red life duo Red life tube 2
Red life 2
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8. Hedda GK (hgk)

‘recalling the carbon dioxide from numerous mouths showering me in the train’ (‘red life’ series)

Signed and dated (on the reverse)
Oil and acrylic on wood panel
25 x 25 cm.
Painted in 2023.
These works are 2 of 4 in an ongoing series, ‘red life’. 


£250 - 500

This auction has now ended

'Human' Nature (8/11)


Hedda's work is heavily influenced by the complexity of subconscious thought, manifesting through a blend of figurative and abstract impressions. Often subject to personal and introspective matters, her work invites the viewer to enter and ponder the intimacy of a mental landscape. 

With oil and acrylic paint as her main chosen mediums, she is fixated on the various depictions of human form, these works being of no exception. Though devoid of visual human figures, ‘red life’ works shows a striking still in quietude; a moment of presence in a given time, away from the constant motion of life. In other words, a sort of a brief awakening from the life of an automaton. 


Education: University of Arts London, Camberwell College of Arts,  2020-2023. 

BA (HONS) Fine Art Painting 


Recent exhibitions: 

‘HALFWAY’, Camberwell College Group Exhibition, APT Gallery, Deptford (London), FEBRUARY 2022

‘ALTAR PT II’, Camberwell College Group Exhibition, Southwark Park Galleries, Lake Gallery (London), FEBRUARY 2023 

‘FISSURA’ Group Exhibition, MXX Gallery, New Cross (London) , MAY 2023 

DEGREE SHOW BA FINE ART PAINTING, Camberwell College of Arts (London), JUNE 2023

socials: instagram - https://www.instagram.com/somedesignclub/ 

website: made available soon

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