It's My House!

09 OCTOBER 2022 - 31 OCTOBER 2022
Conway, AR, 2019
Conway, AR, 2019
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8. Brett William Childs

Conway, AR

Chromogenic Print from Medium Format Negative
Fuji Crystal Archive Super Type-C
18 x 14 inches
Created in 2019
Edition of 3 plus 1 Artist Proof


$300 - 450

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It's My House! (8/47)


Brett William Childs studied Fine Art and Imaging at Art Center College of Design, and lives and works in L.A. Themes of identity and individuation serve as a basis for his work. More recently he has explored the relationship between individuals and the larger groups that they constitute with writings on narrative, identity, and recognition, guiding his enquiries and informing his process.

“The environment in which we live shapes the formation of who we are and, to some extent, we can change that world. Our actions are simultaneously influenced by our surroundings while also influencing our surroundings - an outward expansion of our personal identity to meet the compression of our social environments. A not uncomplicated knot.

Many of the self-portraits throughout my work operate in a manner that links time, compresses space, and collapses distance. By using environmental surfaces as a mirror and a tool of recognition, I aim to interrogate the knot that tangles the relationship between identity formation and social structure.”


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