It's Real Outside - Deptford Contemporary
15 SEPTEMBER 2022 - 07 OCTOBER 2022
Timed Auction
Jack Greeley-Ward lives and works in London. His practice blends drawing, collage and animation. By withdrawing or altering a subject's implicit context, he plays with audiences' expectations of an object, story, place or character's identity to infer new meanings. The work introduces a new perspective for the audience to consider, to make the absurdity of our own reality all the more clear.
instagram: @jack.g.ward
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54. Jack Greeley-Ward
Gone but not lostwork on paper, 22.5 x 29.5 x 3.5 cm.
Estimate:£320 - 380
Auction Ended
27. Joshua Armitage
Untitled (washing up III) 2020work on paper, 37.4 x 29.4 x 3.5 cm.
Estimate:£210 - 350
Auction Ended
40. Frances Stanfield
Messing with Picasso (Blue)work on paper, 61.3 x 49 cm.
Estimate:£580 - 650