It's Real Outside - Deptford Contemporary
15 SEPTEMBER 2022 - 07 OCTOBER 2022Notes
Jamie Temple (b, 1987) is an artist from North East Scotland, living and working in South East London, whose practice is rooted in printmaking and wood carving, from which he creates unique works on paper, sculpture and installation.
His work draws from a fascination with the built and natural environments we inhabit, move in and transform. Temple takes inspiration from the infinitely complex planetary systems and social structures in which we all survive.
Recent works, projects and exhibitions speak to the complexity of the world in which we exist and its multitude of systems and structures layered one upon another; interacting, interfering, diffracting. Layers of chaotic and dynamic systems interwoven – environmental, social, planetary, human made. The flows of matter in the air we breathe, particles in our oceans and drinking water. Disrupted weather patterns and polluted atmospheres and landscapes.
instagram: @templeprints
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Auction Ended
38. Frances Stanfield
Bikini Yellowpainting, 61 x 45.7 x 2 cm.
Auction Ended
27. Joshua Armitage
Untitled (washing up III) 2020work on paper, 37.4 x 29.4 x 3.5 cm.