More Heed - Timed Auction
31 AUGUST 2021 - 15 SEPTEMBER 2021Notes
Our back garden - during lockdown my landlady’s backyard became a common subject. The foxes became friends at a distance, amongst snow and the first signs of spring - I saw them thrive with the rewards from their hunting. A Lewisham backyard became the setting for thoughts of connection and misunderstanding: people trying to reach each other without much success. The trees give solace and comfort, I felt grateful for their reliable presence while the people were absent.
Joana Galego was born in 1994 between not so tall mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, in Cascais, Portugal. After studying Painting at the University of Lisbon she moved to London for The Royal Drawing School. She is interested in language, love - in its many forms or absences - and one’s simultaneous hesitancy and excitement. Fascinated by drawing’s affair with failure she now works from memories, observational studies and yes, old photographs.
Instagram @joana.galego
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Gardeners' Question TimeEtching, 22 x 17 x 5 cm.