Prairie Benefit Auction

07 OCTOBER 2023 - 22 OCTOBER 2023
Peggy Chiang Peggy Chiang Peggy Chiang
Peggy Chiang
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24. Peggy Chiang

No. 5

Peggy Chiang 
No. 5, 2018 
soda can, wood putty, paper, plastic, wood, acrylic paint 

5 x 2.5 x 2.5 inches

Note: the work is activated by a portable flashlight, which Prairie will provide with purchase. 



$1,200 - 1,500

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Prairie Benefit Auction (24/34)


Peggy Chiang (b. 1989, San Francisco, CA) lives and works in New Brunswick, NJ. She received her MFA in Visual Arts at Rutgers University in 2022. Recent exhibitions include Poem Objects at April April (New York); Leaking Heaven at Laurel Gitlin (New York); Fiend at hatred 2 (Brooklyn); Introverse: Allegory Today at 80WSE (New York), and spleen and ideal at Prairie (Chicago). 


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