Small Pleasures
22 APRIL 2021

22. Michael Chance
In My Own Dim Light
Egg tempera and ink on paper
5 x 7.5 cm
Created in 202
£50 - 200
Shipping estimate
“My work is a kind of codified auto-biography. Plunging into imaginative and observational approaches, I surface with images which seem personally meaningful, whilst also resonating with larger political and philosophical themes. In particular I am preoccupied by the confluence of patriarchal gender norms, capitalism and humanist exceptionalism which underwrites the anthropocene. My work has gradually pushed towards a synthetic cubist language which enables images to overlay and enmesh with slippery, paradoxical boundaries, to suggest a messy nuanced truth usually disguised by simplistic binaries of male vs female, man vs nature.” - Michael Chance , 2021
Michael Chance is a painter based in London, roaming around on a narrowboat and working in his studio in Stoke Newington. He studied Popular Music at Liverpool University and spent a few years playing in bands, designing posters, t-shirts and album covers in Manchester before moving to London in 2012 to study on the post-grad programme at the Royal Drawing School. Between 2014-18 he co-founded and ran Mercer Chance Gallery in Hoxton, showing emerging artists with a focus on drawing and painting.