Studio Sale 2023 | Heath Kane

20 JANUARY 2023 - 08 FEBRUARY 2023
Life is not a Fairytale - The Musketeer
Life is not a Fairytale - The Musketeer
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1. Heath Kane

Life is not a Fairytale - The Musketeer

Original - acrylic and oil on canvas
50cm x 57cm (framed)
This work is a unique piece.


£800 - 2,000

This auction has now ended

Studio Sale 2023 | Heath Kane (1/15)

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RETBB - Lizzie 57 Blue Stripes and Solids
7. Heath Kane
Rich Enough to be Batman - Lizzie 68 Blue Stripes
Original - screenprint and acrylic paint on plywood, 114 x 85 cm.
Estimate:£800 - 1,500
Auction Ended
Animal Farm Penguin Books
4. Heath Kane
Animal Farm Penguin Books
Original - screenprint and acrylic paint on plywood, 34 x 25 cm.
Estimate:£200 - 400
Auction Ended
#Try digging yourself out of this shit
5. Heath Kane
#Try digging yourself out of this shit
Original - screenprint and acrylic on plywood, 62 x 42 cm.
Estimate:£700 - 1,250
Auction Ended
Weapons of Mass Disorder
10. Heath Kane
#Weapons of Mass Disorder
Original - screenprint and acrylic on plywood, 44 x 32 cm.
Estimate:£150 - 300
Auction Ended
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