Studio Sale | Hannah Thomas 2024
25 JANUARY 2024 - 07 FEBRUARY 2024

5. Hannah Thomas
Signed - Initials bottom corner
Acrylic on canvas
160 x 160 cm
Painted in 2022
This work is unique
Part of the Borderlands series of paintings 2021-2022.
This work was shortlisted for the Visual Art Open prize 2022.
£1,500 - 2,000
This auction has now ended
Hannah Thomas' work is characterised by bold blocks of colour, creating fractured and interlocking landscapes occupied with biomorphic forms with a dash of the absurd and macabre.
Hannah's paintings are a celebration of the ‘other’, often populated by motifs that reference the figurative or biological, indicating the presence of a creature or life form representing the savage, the mischievous, the outsider, the disturber of the status quo and existing outside of the social and political culture. In her fictional landscapes that presence is a focal point, holding court and highlighting the absurdity and chaos that underpins life and is the focus of her practice.
Her work references a wide mix of visual cues, from street art to H R Giger and Francis Bacon and her style is an instinctive and spontaneous combination of elements and motifs that all work towards creating a unique visual experience.
Education: University of West of England (Art & Visual Culture)
Recent solo exhibitions: Red Eight Gallery in London: Hannah is currently a finalist in the Dubel Prize: Emerging Artist of the Year, this solo show was a collaboration with the gallery and the Dubel Prize, highlighting her recent work. Her work has also been included in recent group shows in London with AucArt, SOTA, Candid Arts Trust and Visual Artists Association.
Hannah won the VAA Scholarship Award last year and has recently been longlisted for the Aesthetica Art Prize 2023.
She is currently participating in the correspondence course with Turps Art School in London to further develop her studio practice.
Her work is included in private and corporate collections in the UK and Internationally.