Swim for Dave - English Channel Swim
01 AUGUST 2022 - 21 AUGUST 2022

7. The Jockey Club, Cheltenham
4 x Tickets for The Club Enclosure at Cheltenham Racecourse during 22/23 Season
Four Club Enclosure Tickets
Any race day fixture at Cheltenham Racecourse during 2022/2023 season (excluding March Festival)
£150 - 750
This auction has now ended
Four Club Enclosure tickets to any race day fixture at Cheltenham Racecourse during the 2022/23 season.
There's no better way to enjoy the day at Cheltenham than from our most premier enclosure, Club. It's an experience to remember with access to all public areas and spectacular views from the main grandstand, lawn, or Winning Post.
Those with Club Enclosure tickets are permitted to use all public areas, as well as the public areas of The Princess Royal Stand, The Village and The Orchard and the central areas, both internally and externally of the Main Grandstand.
A Club ticket gets you entry to the widest selection of food and drink areas at Cheltenham.
Kindly Donated by the Jockey Club
- race day subject to availability
- excludes the March Festival