Terrence Higgins Trust - 2022, Timed Auction
20 FEBRUARY 2022 - 09 MARCH 2022Notes
Brian Reynolds studied at Chelsea College of Art during the 1990s. His work is owned by a number of private and public collections including the Royal College of GPs, The House of St Barnabas, the Barings collection and the UK National Art Collection.
Reynolds’s paintings are abstractions which have multiple layers of meaning, represented through layers of colour, form and texture.
Study 21 is from a series of paintings that examine the social economic shifts in the North East of England during the 1980s, a period of intense deindustrialisation. The paintings focus on the decline of a small, close knit fishing community where the artist was born. For Reynolds these works are seascapes which capture the dark, dangerous, and foreboding nature of the North Sea; they are physical manifestations of the loss suffered by a small community, while echoing the emptiness and despair of addiction.
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