Hayley Wall, Untitled, The Auction Collective Hayley Wall, Untitled, The Auction Collective Hayley Wall, Untitled, The Auction Collective
Hayley Wall, Untitled, The Auction Collective
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Hayley Wall


Editioned (lower left) signed and dated (lower right)
42 x 29.6 cm. 
Created in 2020
This work is from an edition of 9 plus one artist's proof.

This auction has now ended

The Lino Cut (9/18)


Shape and gesture of the human form are a constant throughout Hayley's work. Their signature style of bold figures cast in strong, organic lines which are flooded with block colours evoke both a sense of confidence and joy. Hayley says, “While the pictures are still, the figures are brought to life, giving them a sense of movement and continuation."

Hayley’s work reframes perspectives around disability, queerness, mental health and gender while also celebrating the resilience of marginalised identities. 

Hayley creates personal work which feeds into and informs commercial commissions. As an artist, Hayley enjoys using commercial work to explore prominent social themes, bringing about change and impact through art. Hayley has regularly worked with publications including The New York Times, It’s Nice That, AIGA Eye On Design, and SICK magazine.

Hayley is a queer and disabled Illustrator based in South East London, UK.

To learn more about Hayley's work and influences read our interview here.


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