Megan Rea, You Could Reach One From the Window of the Train, The Auction Collective
Megan Rea, You Could Reach One From the Window of the Train, The Auction Collective
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29. Megan Rea

You Could Reach One From the Window of the Train

Signed and dated (on the reverse)
Oil, acrylic and spray paint on board 
72 x 72 cm. 
Painted in 2018


£1,300 - 2,000
Shipping estimate
The Spring Auction 2019 (29/66)


A 2018 finalist of the HIX Award, Megan Rea’s art focuses on creating abstract architectural spaces inspired by the environment around us.

Her work looks at the interplay between a building’s structure and its purpose. She explores how the structure becomes lost and rendered useless in its simplified form.

The process to create Megan's work begins by making card maquettes of architectural points of interest. She uses these as tools to visually deconstruct the original design. She then translates these deconstructions into two-dimensional painted forms - the final painting. 

You could reach one from the window of the train is inspired by a beautiful garden wall that she spotted on the train between Bangkok to Chiang Mai.

Megan Rea is currently studying Painting at Edinburgh College of Art. She was a finalist of the HIX Art Award in 2018.

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