The Weatherproof Anniversarial
13 APRIL 2024 - 13 MAY 2024
Timed Auction
Liza Jo Eilers elaborates on the ethos of the All-American Girl Next Door and Bimbo, which is heavily rooted in the failure of our society to see her hybridity as she's already indoctrinated inside our system: a kind of erotic ghost that paradoxically works to undercut mainstream forces. She often humorously casts this discussion in terms of male dominated hobbies and spaces like sports fishing, hot rods, the man cave and the bar.
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2. Sam Dybeck
1984(Dreampop Love Letter)Assemblage, 33.02 x 25.4 x 4.45 cm.
Estimate:$300 - 550
Auction Ended
31. Brandon Bandy
Lot: 31 (A Work in Progress)Wall Vinyl, 21.59 x 27.94 cm.
Estimate:$250 - 400
Auction Ended
38. Emma Beatrez
Rhinestone CowboyCeramic, 13.97 x 17.78 x 27.94 cm.
Estimate:$550 - 650