Women in Art - Raising the Bar
15 FEBRUARY 2022 - 08 MARCH 2022

51. Jasmine Pradissitto
Chemically painted cyanotype & pen on Arches watercolour paper
60 cm x 37 cm
Unframed work. Work can be framed before delivery (£220)
Before hubris and arrogance moved ‘man’ to imagine they controlled nature, we trusted in myths and stories which placed us in the vast cosmos. The juxtaposition of tradition vs contemporary was something we lost in the postmodern age but now as we approach enter an age of meta-modernism in which this equilibrium is once more sought through playful seriousness or ironic sincerity, taking from a methodology which uses the sun but which once was how engineering blue prints were create is leading to a ‘Future Blueprint’ series which complements my pioneering work in pollution absorbing sculpture.
Persephone and Pangea both represent the dichotomy, the light against darkness , the dystopian Utopia we live in whilst we try to re-establish a symbiotic relationship with our natural world.
£1,300 - 1,800
This auction has now ended
Jasmine Pradissitto is an award-winning London based British artist, scientist, speaker, and environmentalist who has a Ph.D. in physics from UCL and has studied art at Goldsmith’s and London Met. A polymath, her critical practice spans painting, sculpture and technology and she is the only artist in the world licensed to use NOXTEKTM, a newly developed ceramic material that absorbs nitrogen dioxide (NOx) pollution from the air. The same NOx that exacerbates asthma. She has been pioneering its use for sculpture for the last 5 years.. Pradissitto, currently working with Gillian Jason Gallery in London, has exhibited worldwide including most recently, installing two pioneering public art projects in London for The Horniman Museum Gardens and for Camden People’s Theatre with Euston Town, a Mayor of London environmental initiative.
At the heart of a sustainable future in an increasingly Anthropogenic world, lies provision for the most fundamental of our needs, air, water, equity. Pollution, a by-product of a human progress based on combustion and intensive farming, affects not only 9 out of every 10 people globally, but also species from bees to flowers.
As we enter the ‘Conceptual Creative Age’ we can find an answer based on one of the best things which make us human: our stories. In science we are bound by the natural laws, in art and culture simply by our imaginations, but by joining the two, with an increasingly fragile natural world we can create impactful solutions to the most pressing problems of our modern age: climate crisis.
2002-2006 Sir John Cass BA (Hons) Fine Art (pt.)
1991-1995 University College London Ph.D. Materials, Physics
1993-1995 Goldsmith’s College, London Foundation Art & Design
2021PEA (people, environment, achievement) Award for Pioneering Art- sculpture
2020 DEFRA Award for Flower Girl Horniman Museum Gardens-sculpture
2020 Shortlisted Sustainability First- sculpture
2017 Shortlisted Art Gemini Prize-sculpture
2015 Silver Medal for Painting, Masters International Prize
2012 Shortlisted Threadneedle Prize-painting
2007 Silver Award, Lautierie Moores Prize-painting
2006 Shortlisted Celeste Painting Prize
Public Art
2023 Memorial for Ella Roberta Foundation
2021 Breathe 2021 In pollution absorbing NOXTEK for Camden- Mayor of London
2020 Flower Girl Horniman Museum Gardens
Recent Exhibitions
2021 Mall Galleries- The Discerning Eye
2021 Mall Galleries- Figurative Art Now
2021 Gillian Jason Gallery-Heart of the Matter
2021 Inaugural Sustainability First -Reconnected
2020 The Barge House- To Mars and Beyond
2019 The Francis Crick Institute - Japanese Society Promotion Science
2019 The Museum of London-Future Change makers
2018 The House of Vans with Blue Dot Generation
2018 Tate Modern-Uniqlo Tate Late
2018 The Ugly Duck-Transcendence
2018 Anderson Contemporary New York- Art 180
2018 The Quin, New York- -The Voice of a Generation
2017 SciArt Centre, New York- -Embodied
Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasmine_Pradissitto
Insta https://www.instagram.com/jasmine_pradissitto/?hl=en
Linked in https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasminepradissitto/?originalSubdomain=uk
Website https://www.pradissitto.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/JPradissitto