Art Fundraiser LA | Timed Auction
21 OCTOBER 2020 - 13 NOVEMBER 2020Notes
Naomi White is a feminist, artist, and educator, working on ideas at the intersection of ecology and photography.
Focusing on the transformative power of photography to affect desire and change, much of her work questions how we can shift our focus away from the current racist, capitalist model of domination, to one of equity and collective voice, for the sake of all people, animals and the planet.
Her work has been published in PDN, The Brooklyn Rail, FAYN, and Uncertain States. White holds an MFA in Photography and Related Media from SVA in New York, a Post Baccalaureate in Photography from the San Francisco Art institute, and a BA in English Literature from San Francisco State.
MFA, Photography and Related Media, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, 2000.
Post Baccalaureate, Photography, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA, 1998.
BA, English Literature, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, 1994.
Certificate in Italian Language and Photography, Lorenzo De Medici, Florence, Italy, 1990.
Awards: Awards Winner of PDN's Objects of Desire Still Life competition
Recent Group Exhibitions: March 2020, Still Life. Alternative Exposures, Millepiani, Rome, January 2020. FOCUS Photo LA, Barker Hangar, Santa Monica, CA, 2019. Center for Creative Photography’s, The Qualities of LIGHT, University of Arizona, 2019.
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