Art Makes Lives Better
11 SEPTEMBER 2023 - 27 SEPTEMBER 2023Notes
Anthony Day's art reflects the vastness of the fen landscape he painted for over seventy years. His work is mostly in gouache, occasionally egg tempera or soft pencil, using a palette of subtle colours to capture the natural light of fen skies, fields and water.
The son of a local farmer, Anthony was born in 1922, in Wicken, where he lived for most of his life. After serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps he studied at Cambridge School of Art from 1948 to 1952. He turned to painting out of doors as a way of spending time in the countryside.
He exhibited at over eighty one-man shows and many more group exhibitions, including the Royal Academy, the Heffer Gallery and Kettle's Yard in Cambridge, as well as the Paris Salon and the English Gallery in Boston, USA.
He has works in the Government Art Collection, and until recently exhibited regularly at local galleries, such as the Old Fire Engine House in Ely.
Anthony died on 21 January 2023, shortly before his one hundred and first birthday. An obituary was published in the Guardian, and an appreciation of his life in the Cambridge News. Anthony wrote fourteen books on local history.
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