Studio Sale 2023 | Amanda Blunden
20 JANUARY 2023 - 06 FEBRUARY 2023, Ended 11:04 AM (UK time)A Studio Sale of works of art direct from the studio of artist Amanda Blunden.
Timed Auction Ends
6 February, 11am (GMT)
Payments for this auction will be handled directly by the artist.
"My landscapes are emotional spaces, driven by my desire for open spaces and solitude to think and clear my head of ‘noise’.
I want to convey a silent drama, a powerful yet quiet punch to the gut and yet it is also important to me that there is a sense of joy and beauty in the work too. It is the tension of these elements working together that I find the most exciting.
Seascapes are often suggested in my work; where I have been most content and which appear to me in profound dreams – dreams where I am searching for and often find, an often elusive feeling of intense well-being.
My process is very much one of call and response: stripping away and adding; reacting to colours, forms, marks. I often use the colour pink in my paintings – the colour of nurture, comfort and for me, optimism." - Amanda Blunden, 2023.
Bidding Enquiries
[email protected]
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