The Jaka Project
15 SEPTEMBER 2023 - 02 OCTOBER 2023Notes
"Committed but not militant, Jeanne Susplugas blames all shapes and confinement strategies as to question the relationship of the individual with herself than with the other. "(Philippe Piguet Week in 13.13) The mediums she explores are all vectors instructing the terms of a singular aesthetic that determines a being obsessive world turns and reassured troubled, restless and serene, solitary and accomplice.
Her work has been widely shown at venues such KW in Berlin, the Villa Medicis in Rome, Palazzo delle Papesse in Siena, the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, the Fresnoy National Studio, the Museum of Modern Art of St Etienne, the Museum of Grenoble.
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31. David Swindells
Sacha Souter at the Shoom ClubGiclée printed on Hahnemühle Bamboo paper
Auction Ended
57. Tisna Westherof
Sons’n’GunsScreen print & Watercolour on Board