Young Russian Artists: The Rite of Spring

26 APRIL 2021 - 17 MAY 2021
Natasha Goncharova, Cry Woman, Peacock
Natasha Goncharova, Cry Woman, Peacock
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4. Natasha Goncharova

Cry Woman, Peacock

Signed lower front
Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm.
Painted in 2020.


£350 - 450

This auction has now ended

Young Russian Artists: The Rite of Spring (4/65)


"This work was created in response to a work by Natasha Goncharova (a late artist with whom I share a name) – "Peacock in the Bright Sun" 1911. The work is a whirlwind, the emotions of a crying woman, tears, and the Egyptian peacock, a symbol of calm and abundance – step by step life goes on". -  Natasha Goncharova, 2021.

Education: BA, Institute of Contemporary Art of Joseph Backstein, 2018-20. Graduated from the College of Art Crafts #59, 2011-15.
Solo Exhibitions: Alive, Tibetan Book of the Dead Web Maze, online, art.sample, 2020. Prism of the future - present - past, Wall Tower, Moscow, 2017. Time of Troubles/Soulful Joy, Wall Tower, Moscow, 2017.
Selected Group exhibitions: Beautiful Night of All People, 2nd Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art, 2020. Platform Heidegger – Other Times, 2020. Squatting Research, Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, 2020. A Second Away, XVATIT, Winery OPEN Curated by Stas Shuripa, 2019. You have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 new messages, Curator Stas Shuripa, CTI Factory, 2018. Unheimlich, APXIV, Moscow, 2017.


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