Young Russian Artists: The Rite of Spring

26 APRIL 2021 - 17 MAY 2021
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59. Lilliya Sharipova

Tarusa. August 2020

Signed (on the reverse)
75 x 50 cm.
Created in 2020
This artwork is an edition, 1/5.


£150 - 200

This auction has now ended

Young Russian Artists: The Rite of Spring (59/65)


"The picture was taken in the small town Tarusa by the Oka River during the last hours of my stay there. That summer was filled with fears and doubts about my future due to the pandemic and post graduation. My time in Tarusa was, in a way, therapeutic – I met people of my own age, interests and similar background. I wanted to find a visual metaphor for that experience, a stabilised form of my chaotic emotions. This work symbolises the fragile feeling of hope, calmness found in the unity with nature, and the youthful carelessness that slowly fades.

I use photography as a medium for my thoughts and emotions. I can’t always articulate what I feel so I turn to photography to communicate with the world. Currently, my works are rather introspective, I’m trying to navigate through adulthood and a growing separation from my family, and search for my place in an ever-changing world. Through my work I explore the connection of human sentiment and nature, beauty of accidental compositions, and the power of minimalistic visual forms". -  Lilliya Sharipova, 2020.

Education: HSE Art and Design School, Moscow, Photography,  2016-20
Exhibitions: Design NEXT, Moscow, 2018. Online Auction, HSE Art Gallery × SAMPLE, 2020

Lilliya Sharipova is a student at Moscow's HSE Art and Design School.


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