AI Aranka Israni 3
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Aranka Israni

Mother & Child

Signed on back
Vibrachrome metal print 
76 x 101 cm
Photographed in 2017
This work is unique

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Wisdom and Nature (7/20)


Mother & Child invokes the Feminine, the Masculine, and the principle of Union. Inspiring a mirroring of that which lies within our own reflection.

When viewed as moving into one another, as a uniting of spirit and matter, these halves create a marriage of self and shadow. Seen instead as a separation, the physical and the spiritual abandoning one another, this image seems to disclose a fundamental and sacred symbol of mitosis, as the physical and ethereal step apart to view one another - or turn away from one another completely.

When this same image is viewed as fixed, the physical in balance with the reflected non-physical, the creation of a third presence is revealed, a new whole emerges, evoking creatures of a mythological or dream origin.

A reflection of nature, Mother & Child accentuates notions of ‘animism’ and ‘spiritual reality’, and its relevance within and beyond indigenous culture.

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