A line in the sand: an artistic response in support of humanitarian efforts in Gaza

03 JANUARY 2023 - 31 JANUARY 2024
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25. Margaux Carpentier

End of the world / Beginning of the world

50 x 70 cm
Edition of 50
Signed and Numbered


£250 - 375

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A line in the sand: an artistic response in support of humanitarian efforts in Gaza (25/28)


About the Artwork

From creation sometimes comes destruction. From birth inevitably arises death. Of does not an inextricable end emerge? In this infinite numbness of time, chaos and awakening are methodically courting, giving history the opportunity to reinvent itself constantly. What a sweet source of hope to know that at any epilogue succeeds a renewal, in the image of love that, after having been abused, always reborn - sometimes, where we do not expect it ...

About the Artist 

Having studied in Paris and Surrey Margaux spent the decadent years of her early twenties playing poker and developing a unique graphic style using various mediums, from 0.2 Rotring pens to tones of cans of spray paint, and now adapts her illustrations in 2 & 3D as well as large scale murals. Her imagery is inspired by encounters with colourful earthly, and extra terrestrial creatures, folk tales from around the world, and conversations with evil cats on a stoop.

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