Free-embroidery on fabric with beads
Framed: 70 x 106 cm
Signed ‘TAC 2018’ (lower right)
Created in 2018

16. Tina Crawford
Bird Crap
£1,200 - 1,800
Shipping estimate
Tina Crawford is a master of ‘free embroidery’, she uses the sewing machine with a fluidity, that turns the machine into an extension of her own body; drawing not with pencil on paper but thread on fabric.
One of her most recent explorations Bird Crap, is a work that references the USA President Donald Trump’s social media activity and the American political situation. Looking closely at the work the viewer discovers writing within the flag: 'fake news' stitched in white and stitched in red two of the President's most controversial tweets:
"North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works"
"We need the Wall for the safety and security of our country. We need the Wall to help stop the massive inflow of drugs from Mexico, now rated the number one most dangerous country in the world. If there is no Wall, there is no Deal!"
The President and his twitter account are further referenced both in the title and the top left of the image where birds alluding to the Twitter logo replace the stars.
Tina trained at Central Saint Martins and has since developed her own artistic practice as well as a ceramic and textiles brand ‘Tobyboo’, receiving notable success with major retailers such John Lewis and House of Fraser. She has exhibited widely with Rise Gallery hosting her 2016 solo exhibition ‘An Unnatural History’. Grayson Perry holds one of her doll works, created for the artist in his studio, and Paul Smith sings her praises.
Tina Crawford is also including Queenie and you can read, and see a video, of her creative process and inspiration for her work (in particular Bird Crap) here.
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