Signed ‘DO’ (on the front); titled, signed and dated (on the reverse)
Pinpricks on paper
53.5 x 36.9 cm.
Created in 2018
This work is unique.

36. Demi Overton
Grand Canyon, USA
£350 - 550
Shipping estimate
Demi Overton, a Fine Art graduate from Newcastle University, creates sculptural works on paper which explore the act of drawing and mark-making in their most fundamental form. Through a labour-intensive and repetitive pinpricking action using a single needle, she pushes and tests the materiality and delicacy of the surface.
The subject matter of Overton's pinpricked artwork comes from a variety of aerial images found through GoogleEarth - both with natural landscapes, such as canyons, mountains, deserts, and recent investigations into man-made structures, such as complex road interchanges.
Grand Canyon, USA is part of the artist's ‘Canyonlands’ series that focus on the contours and meandering landscapes of the American canyons. In this particular piece we can see the Colorado river wild across the horizon.
Demi Overton is also including a geometric work Ledge II and a sewn work Strand IV.