RABOTA: Auction 2 – 15 Works by 15 Russian Contemporary Artists

24 OCTOBER 2021 - 15 NOVEMBER 2021
"Couple Crossing a Creek Riding a Russian Classic IZH Motorcycle  in the Khaingain Nuruu National Park 50km North of Erdenetsogt, Mongolia" Max Avdeev
"Couple Crossing a Creek Riding a Russian Classic IZH Motorcycle  in the Khaingain Nuruu National Park 50km North of Erdenetsogt, Mongolia"
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5. Max Avdeev

Couple Crossing a Creek Riding a Russian Classic IZH Motorcycle in the Khaingain Nuruu National Park 50km North of Erdenetsogt, Mongolia

Signed on the back
60 x 90 cm.
Created in 2012
This work is an edition of 10.


£350 - 550

This auction has now ended

RABOTA: Auction 2 – 15 Works by 15 Russian Contemporary Artists (5/15)


Max Avdeev is a Moscow-based freelance photographer and photojournalist.



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