The Sixteen Trust
01 DECEMBER 2021 - 16 DECEMBER 2021

19. Misha Milovanovich
May You Always Hear the Bird Song, 2021
Misha Milovanovich
May You Always Hear the Bird Song, 2021
Virtual Sculpture/NFT
2021, London,
4096 x 4096 pix (48 MG)
Reserve 1 ETH
Available from Opensea soon. Click here to view.
£1,000 - 3,000
This auction has now ended
In real life Misha’s sculpture is made of 8 steel parts welded in a complex artistic and technical process.
Each piece provides a different view of the whole and an almost cubist set of optical scenes emerge.
Misha’s shapes are undoubtedly female - an evolving set of “womblike forms”.
She uses elements of nature - birds, clouds, petals, and cellular structures and coverts their three-dimensional forms into flat color and line.
Misha creates slices of abstraction - playful visions of life rendered in steel. Her virtual sculptures are constructed with the same detail to attention. Inuit mythology describes Pinga as a goddess of the hunt, fertility, and medicine. In Jungian psychology, the psychopomp is a mediator between the unconscious and conscious realms. It is symbolically personified in dreams as a wise man or woman, or sometimes as a helpful animal.
Please note: This NFT is being sold on Opensea. Bid here.