It's Real Outside - Deptford Contemporary

15 SEPTEMBER 2022 - 07 OCTOBER 2022
Clara Kelly, Woman 8, 2022 Clara Kelly, Woman 8, 2022
Clara Kelly, Woman 8, 2022
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32. Clara Kelly

Woman 8

40 x 12 x 5cm

Cardboard, newspaper, magnets, fabric and embroidery thread

This work forms a part of Clara’s ongoing ‘Identity’ series.


£200 - 500

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It's Real Outside - Deptford Contemporary (32/78)


Clara Kelly is a Textile and Paper Artist who is based in South East London. Her Textile work often takes the form of sculptural, abstract figures, reminiscent of prehistoric idols.

She is an avid researcher of world textiles and cultures and these influences can often be felt in her work.

Specialising in hand embroidery at Bath Spa University, Clara graduated in 2010 with first in Textile Design for Fashion and Interiors. This technique is a predominant feature in Clara's work, as is the reoccurring theme of Identity.
instagram: @clarakellyart

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