Young Russian Artists: The Rite of Spring

26 APRIL 2021 - 17 MAY 2021
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43. Anastasiya Panina

Three Wise Men

Signed (on the reverse)
Watercolor, pencils on paper
30 x 30 cm.
Painted in 2020.


£140 - 190

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Young Russian Artists: The Rite of Spring (43/65)


This work is a visual parody of a classic pictorial biblical story from manuscripts about three wise men sleeping in one bed.  

“In my work I try to combine the aesthetic experience and discoveries of my childhood with the observation and knowledge of the cultural environment that surrounds me now. I always focus on children’s mythological perception of the world, but at the same time my work also portrays reality.” - Anastasiya Panina, 2020.

Education: HSE Art and Design School, 2016-20.
Exhibitions: blazar Art Fair, Moscow, 2020. Ars Electronica, Austria, 2020. Animpwr.1, Shalash Gallery, Russia, 2018. Funny carousel, Here Gallery, Russia, 2016.


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