01 JUNE 2022 - 14 JUNE 2022

34. Idina Moncreiffe
Mould Me
26 x 21 x 21 cm
7.21 kg
“This is a self portrait of my internal memories. When you are a child everything that you interact with shapes who you become, it influences you and affects how you grow. We are surrounded by objects and from a young age, often these objects are predominantly toys. Some toys we naturally will be drawn to and interact with more. Although these toys from the external world effect us as we grow it was something inside of us that drew us to these toys in the first place. So is our internal self shaping us through the external world.”
£3,500 - 7,000
This auction has now ended
Artist Statement:
My practice involves working intuitively. Painting to me is similar to music. Timing is important. When working from observation, colours and lines sing out to me and I echo them. When painting visions from my mind I am often working spontaneously. With an interest in mythology and spiritualism, I like to make seen the unseen. My subject matter is often based around the human connection to nature and the spirit, sometimes blurring boundaries between the physical and nonphysical. Being present is important to me when I paint. I allow the medium to have a degree of agency. By not asserting full control over it, my work becomes an exploration of the dialogue between me and the materials I’m working with.
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