Art for Relief II
02 NOVEMBER 2021 - 23 NOVEMBER 2021, Ended 04:02 PM (UK time)Striving to create a positive impact in the world, Art for Relief is back with their second auction to support Soft power education- a non-profit organisation uniting compassionate art collectors with talented artists in order to raise money for Soft Power Education.
With a mindful mission to empower children through education, SPE is a charity which funds and runs two pre-schools for 180 of the most vulnerable children within rural Ugandan areas. Having gone into their third lockdown, their resources and income have been hugely disrupted.
In response to this, a carefully curated group of incredible artists have thoughtfully donated a range of works to Art for Relief in order to support SPE. With a mission to have a powerful impact, we are thankful and appreciate your input and purchases hugely.” - Art For Relief, 2021
Timed Auction
Ends 23 November 4 pm
[email protected]
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1. Kora Moya Rojo
The Gloveacrylic and watercolour on paper, 42 x 30 cm.
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2. Sarm Micciche
Rosa, Rosalie, Rosaliaoil on linen, 120 x 80 cm.
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5. Eloise Dethier-Eaton
Fold VIIwatercolour on paper, 30 x 42 cm.
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6. Georgie Stewart
Battersea Park at Noonfine art print on watercolour paper, 21 x 30 cm.
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9. Abbi Kenny
The Plant I Was Afraid My Cat Would Eatmixed media on paper, 25 x 18 cm.
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14. Manuela Karin Knaut
No security measurespainting, 70 x 50 cm.
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20. Jessica Jane Charleston
Mother and child in pinkgouache on paper, 26 x 18 cm.
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22. Chiara Elisa Ragghianti
Apple Potacrylic on canvas, 30 x 30 cm.
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24. Anna Woodward
Lost in Posiedon's wrathoil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm.